Single Page Applications with Angular2+ Fundamentals (English)

Single Page Applications with Angular2+ Fundamentals (English)

  • Duration

    3 dagen
  • Price

  • 8,9


    1000+ reviews
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Angular is the next version of AngularJS 1.x and has new features like better performance, but it also has a completely new syntax. Next to React and VueJS, Angular is one of the most popular frameworks to build web applications. Large enterprises like banks, Insurance companies and authorities use Angular to build their front-end applications. Angular uses ECMAScript 2015 and TypeScript. The development of modern web applications is based on writing components instead of single web pages. These components are bundled in modules, together they form the complete application.

In this course you will dive into the characteristics and the architecture of the framework. You will learn how to build components and an application from scratch. Also, you will learn more about data binding, services, observables, and routing.


  • After completing this course you are able to build your own web applications based on the current Developer Preview-versions of Angular2+.

Target audience

Web developers who are going to work with Angular2+.


Bouwen van webpagina’s met HTML5 of vergelijkbare kennis.
Front-end Development met JavaScript of vergelijkbare kennis.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3) of vergelijkbare kennis.
Some knowledge of ECMAScript 2015 and TypeScript. Some knowledge of Node.js and installing packages.

Experience with different platforms and browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) and experience with debugging JavaScript.

The following knowledge is helpfull but not required:

Experience with AngularJS and modular development of websites and experience with other MVC-frameworks.


  • You will have access to our electronic learning environment, where the course material will be available for you.


  • Angular 2+ versus Angular 1 – differences and similarities.
  • Requirements for Angular2: Node.js, TypeScript
  • Recommendations for tooling, editors & debuggers.
  • Define a basic Angular2-project
  • Define a project with the angular-cli.
  • Components- what are they and how to use them?
  • Templates and views.
  • Data binding: simple data binding, event binding and attribute binding
  • Two-way data binding.
  • TypeScript Decorators.
  • Dependency Injection and Services.
  • Working with static data and live API’s.
  • RxJS and Observables.
  • Working with multiple components
  • Custom properties and events
  • Data flow in components, writing event buses
  • Routing in Angular2 apps
  • Working with Forms en validation
  • Hands-on labs and practical examples.

Schedule & Price

All prices are exclusive of VAT.
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Cursus: Single Page Applications with Angular2+ Fundamentals (English)

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        Cursus: Single Page Applications with Angular2+ Fundamentals (English)



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            Single Page Applications with Angular2+ Fundamentals (English)

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