Python for data analysis – introduction to PANDAS (English) Save as favorite Share this page Print Duration 2 dagen Price € 1865,- 8,9 Reviews 1000+ reviews Location Nieuwegeinvirtueel Schedule Planning ophalen... Classroom klassikaal Enroll More information Download brochure For data analysis in Python PANDAS is the package of choice. In the realm of data analysis the language R, developed by statisticians, is a long-time contender. R still is really popular, but has serious competition from Python. One of the neatest notions that R came up with is the DataFrame, which is a representation of a database table or spreadsheet including schema information. Before DataFrames existed, data sets mostly had to be disassembled and stored in separate arrays. The idea is simple: just store the data set together with its schema. Python lacked this DataFrame functionality until the PANDAS package was created. PANDAS heavily influenced by the base R data frame, was developed and released by Wes McKinney around 2010. It has extremely powerful methods to input/output and manipulate data. Objectives Getting started with Data Analysis. Requirements De programmeertaal Python – voor ervaren programmeurs of vergelijkbare kennis.Basic Python knowledge Particularities This course is delivered in collaboration with AT Computing. Persoonlijk advies? Lucas Ditvoorst senior accountmanager T. 088 542 78 53 E. Topics Pandas background Series objects DataFrame objects Reading / writing DataFrames Getting information about a DataFrame Indexing / Slicing Applying Functions to Cells, Columns and Rows Time-related data Schedule & Price * * This course event is guaranteed to run. *Een cursus met valt onder de actie Summer Academy. All prices are exclusive of VAT. Meer informatie over incompany of maatwerk Cursus: Python for data analysis - introduction to PANDAS (English) Vul onderstaand formulier in en je ontvangt meer informatie over de incompany- en maatwerkmogelijkheden van deze cursus. [contact-form-7 404 "Niet gevonden"] We are happy to help you. Please fill in the request form below and you will receive the requested information as soon as possible. Request quote Download brochure Request information Type of training Group training at the location of your choiceCustomized training to meet your specific goals Agree to follow-up and privacy conditionsI accept the privacy policy Akkoord met opvolging en privacyvoorwaardenI accept theprivacy policy Akkoord met opvolging en privacyvoorwaardenI accept theprivacy policy Related courses De cursus Leren programmeren in Python De cursus Introductie in Python – Mogelijkheden en Code Begrijpen De cursus Data Modeling for Data Warehouse and Data Science De cursus Data Modeling for Data Warehouse and Data Science (English) De cursus De cursus Advanced Python De cursus Learn to program in Python (English) De cursus De programmeertaal Python – voor ervaren programmeurs De cursus Data Science Essentials De cursus Introduction to Python – Possibilities and Understanding Code (English) Tags: EnglishAT computingDataOpen SourceLinuxDevOps Share: Share Share Share Share