Certified Datacenter Specialist – CDCS® (exam incl.) (English) (partnercourse) Save as favorite Share this page Print Duration 3 dagen Price € 3215,- 8,9 Reviews 1000+ reviews Location Nieuwegeinvirtueel Schedule Planning ophalen... Classroom klassikaal Enroll More information Download brochure During this 3-day CDCS course we delve deeper into the technology of, among other things, power supply, cooling, cabling and (fire) protection. The course is in collaboration with EPI, the world standard for data center services. Our Datacenter Certifications are worldwide accredited by EXIN. The training is conducted in collaboration with EPI Training. On the last day of the course you will take the Exin exam to obtain your data center certificate. This certificate is recognized worldwide and valid for three years. Are you participating in this course virtually? Or are you unable to come to the location on the last day? You will then receive an exam voucher for an online exam that you can schedule yourself. The cost of the exam is included in the course. Objectives Gain insight into the activities in and around a data center and the choices made with regard to current and future needs. Our goal is to ensure that you are a certified data center specialist after three days. Target audience This course is suitable for IT and Facility professionals and for anyone who works in and around a data center. Requirements Certified Data Center Professional – CDCP® (exam incl.) (English) of vergelijkbare kennis.Participants must have completed the Certified Datacenter Professional (CDCP) and successfully completed the CDCP exam prior to this course. Particularities This course is delivered in collaboration with one of our partners. The material for this course is provided in a secure PDF and is personal. To open this file, the javelin-reader must be installed. Please note: this cannot be installed on some work systems due to security. Advice: bring a laptop/tablet without restrictions to the course. Persoonlijk advies? Lucas Ditvoorst senior accountmanager T. 088 542 78 53 E. l.ditvoorst@vijfhart.nl Topics Datacenter Design / Life-Cycle Overview Tier Levels Overwegingen en standaarden met betrekking tot gebouwen Verhoogde vloeren en verlaagde plafonds (advanced) Geavanceerde stroomvoorziening Electromagnetische velden (advanced) Geavanceerde koeling Geavanceerde brandbeveiliging Kabel management Omgevingsregelgeving Datacenter efficiëntie View more subjectsView less subjects Datacenter Design / Life Cycle Overview Overview of the phases of a Datacenter life cycle Planning, re-alignment and continuous improvement Tier Levels History of “tier level” definitions Tier level definitions, categories and measure points Redundancy options Tiered Infrastructure Maintenance Standards (TIMS) Overwegingen en standaarden met betrekking tot gebouwen Floor loading requirements Fire rating for walls and glass Blast protection Bullet proofing Forced entry protection Verhoogde vloeren en verlaagde plafonds (advanced) Raised floor installation guidelines to ensure contractors install a proper closed and levelled raised access floor Choosing the right tiles and their locations Seismic mitigating floor constructions Choosing the correct suspended ceiling Geavanceerde stroomvoorziening Formulas which you should know for the Datacenter Single Line Electrical diagrams; how to read to ensure key components are present for protection Over current protection devices (MCB/MCCB/VCB/ACB/Fuses) definitions and what to use where Earth Leakage devices (RCB/RCD/ELCB/GFCI/ALCI/RCBO), definitions and what to use where Lightning strikes and surge protection devices (TVSS/SPD), how they operate, where to use and how to install Power cabling and cable run considerations PDU/DB setup and minimum requirements Generator component make up Choosing the required device Calculate required fuel storage tank capacity Paralleling of gen-sets Regulatory requirements Required specifications for UPS systems How to read data sheets and select the correct UPS Requirements for parallel configurations and avoid pitfalls such as single point of failures How parallel installation should be done, classic mistakes made by installers and how to avoid these Harmonic Filters Type of filters available and which one to select depending on the application Designing battery banks, how to calculate, and double check the battery bank to be installed Battery charging pitfalls and ensuring the right charger is being installed and used Using parallel battery banks; how to properly install them, limitations and risk when using batteries in parallel How to test batteries correctly and make decisions on cell/block or string replacement Battery casing choices; ABS, V0, V1, V2 Alternative energy storage; flywheel, re-useable cell etc. Electromagnetische velden (advanced) Differences between single, three phase and bus-bar EMF Options available to measure EMF and how to interpret the results from single axe and composite measurements Guidance on safe distance for equipment and human Calculation of EMF attenuation factor for shielding material permeability and saturation factors Geavanceerde koeling Environmental class definitions and thermal specifications Equipment airflow and Delta-T definitions and limits Planning for floor, rack and cooling equipment CFM requirement calculations and conversions Air-conditioner specifications and how to select the correct air-conditioner with the required capacity and flow Techniques for optimization of air flow Redundancy guidelines for air-conditioners avoiding classic misconceptions Liquid cooling guidelines for Datacenters Geavanceerde brandbeveiliging Fire triangle and elements to stop a fire Detection systems in detail (VESDA, VIEW, Smoke sensors) Considerations for installation of sensors Difference in water based systems i.e. dry-pipe, pre-action and why most of them don’t work and how to detect this Details on Inert, Halocarbon, fluorinated systems Schedule & Price * * This course event is guaranteed to run. *Een cursus met valt onder de actie Summer Academy. All prices are exclusive of VAT. Meer informatie over incompany of maatwerk Cursus: Certified Datacenter Specialist - CDCS® (exam incl.) (English) Vul onderstaand formulier in en je ontvangt meer informatie over de incompany- en maatwerkmogelijkheden van deze cursus. [contact-form-7 404 "Niet gevonden"] We are happy to help you. Please fill in the request form below and you will receive the requested information as soon as possible. Request quote Download brochure Request information Type of training Group training at the location of your choiceCustomized training to meet your specific goals Agree to follow-up and privacy conditionsI accept the privacy policy Akkoord met opvolging en privacyvoorwaardenI accept theprivacy policy Akkoord met opvolging en privacyvoorwaardenI accept theprivacy policy Related courses De cursus De cursus Certified Data Center Professional – CDCP e-learning (EN) (with Exam Anywhere voucher) De cursus Certified Data Center Professional – CDCP® (exam incl.) 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