Certified Data Center Migration Specialist – CDMS e-learning: (EN) (with Exam Anywhere voucher)

Certified Data Center Migration Specialist – CDMS e-learning: (EN) (with Exam Anywhere voucher) (partnercourse)

  • Duration

    365 dagen
  • Price

  • 8,9


    1000+ reviews
  • Schedule

    Planning ophalen...
  • Classroom


This E-learning course is delivered in English. The accompanying e-book is also in English.

EPI-Academy delivers E-learning by the EPI Training-On-Demand (TOD) platform where you can watch data centre and IT management online video courses anytime, anywhere and on any device. These are the same courses that have been attended by thousands of professionals in the IT and data centre industry from all over the world. TOD enables you to easily fit training into your busy schedule. Each module is 10-20 minutes only and easy to understand.

The components of the TOD package:
– Online training access to the course on EPI Academy for 12 months.
– Exam Anywhere (remote proctored) voucher is valid for 12 months.
– E-book, which is licensed to you. It has no expiry date and can be printed after download.


  • Obtain the Certified Datacenter Migration Specialist (CDMS) certificate.

Target audience

The primary audience is an IT, Facilities or Data Centre Operations professional working in and around the data Centre (representing both end-customers and/or service provider/ facilitators) and having to deal with Data Centre Migration Projects and/or Data Centre Strategies, such as: Project Managers, Data Centre managers, Operations/ Floor /Facility managers, IT managers, Network/System Engineers, Data Centre Sales/Consultants, Logistic Managers.


There is no specific prerequisite for the CDMS course. However, participants who have actual experience in the data centre and/or IT infrastructures are best suited. Attendance of the CDCP course is recommended but not a requirement.


This course is delivered in collaboration with one of our partners. The material for this course is provided in a secure PDF and is personal. To open this file, the javelin reader must be installed. Please note: this cannot be installed on some work systems due to security. Advice: use a laptop/tablet without restrictions for the course.


  • Data Centre Strategy
  • Project Management
  • Risk Management
  • Migration Strategies
  • Legal Aspects
  • High Level Discovery & Planning
  • Design Target Data Centre
  • Detailed Discovery and Planning
  • Safety
  • Security
  • Implementation
  • End of Project

Schedule & Price

All prices are exclusive of VAT.
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Cursus: Certified Data Center Migration Specialist - CDMS e-learning: (EN) (with Exam Anywhere voucher)

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        Cursus: Certified Data Center Migration Specialist - CDMS e-learning: (EN) (with Exam Anywhere voucher)



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          Cursus: Certified Data Center Migration Specialist - CDMS e-learning: (EN) (with Exam Anywhere voucher)

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            Certified Data Center Migration Specialist - CDMS e-learning: (EN) (with Exam Anywhere voucher)

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