Learn to program in Python (English)

Learn to program in Python (English)

  • Duration

    5 dagen
  • Price

  • 8,9


    1000+ reviews
  • Location

  • Schedule

    Planning ophalen...
  • Classroom


The course ‘Learn to program in Python’ is specifically intended for anyone who has no experience with programming yet and wants to learn Python programming. This Python course for beginners covers the essential aspects of programming in general and of the Python programming language specifically.

What will you learn during this 5-day course?
During this 5-day Python course you work towards being able to independently write code in Python. Relevant terminology for programming in general will be covered, with an emphasis on algorithms: which steps lead from problem definition to solution. Apart from that, the course covers various programming constructions, as needed for flow control, data types with their typical applications, binary/octal/hexadecimal representation of numbers, and many other programming-related concepts.

Practical excercises
Apart from the conceptual part of programming, the syntax of Python is covered, illustrating the extensive possibilities of the Python programming language. The last day of the course covers the object oriented way of programming.
All topics will be trained extensively with practical lab exercises, under the guidance of the instructor. Besides, additional exercises are provided to be made at home in the evening or during the weekend, to obtain even more profit from this Python course.

Are you attending this course? Then you receive the following documentation:

  • A student pack with copies of the presentations, lab exercises and answers to the exercises so that you learn Python well.
  • Shortly after the course you will receive a certificate as a proof of participation in this Python course.

We bieden deze cursus ook in het Nederlands aan, bekijk het hier: Leren programmeren in Python.


  • At the end of this Python course you can independently write a Python program or participate in a project with others.

Target audience

If you’re looking for a Python course for beginners, or you are a beginning programmer, seeking to learn the syntax and characteristics of the Python programming language and programming skills in general, this is the course to learn Python.


No previous experience in programming is required. This Python course is for beginners and will present the fine points of programming in general, and the syntax of the Python programming language as such.


This course is delivered in collaboration with AT Computing. This course is provided by the open source gurus of AT Computing. The content of the course aligns with the official certification "PCEP - Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer".


  • Introduction to algorithms
  • Introduction to Python
  • Basic data types
  • Program structures
  • More about sequences and strings
  • More about lists
  • Bits and bytes
  • Files
  • Encoding
  • More about dictionaries, tuples and sets
  • Functions
  • Modules
  • Exceptions
  • Global overview of the Python Standard Library
  • Introduction to object orientation
  • Object orientation and classes in Python

Schedule & Price

All prices are exclusive of VAT.
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Cursus: Learn to program in Python (English)

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        Cursus: Learn to program in Python (English)



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