Certified Cloud Security Officer (CCSO) – e-learning

Certified Cloud Security Officer (CCSO) – e-learning

We offer you the following benefits for this Mile2 course:

  • This e-learning includes an exam.
  • The material is accessible 365 days after activation.
  • The exam voucher is valid 365 days after activation.

The Cloud is being widely adopted today for a diverse set of reasons! However, many are finding that security in the cloud is a huge challenge! Either because of implementation or Governance. Yes, Governance of security related to your cloud vendor is a huge challenge. However, many global standards have been developed that provide a great baseline for cloud security along with governance.

This course will provide for you what you do not find in other classes! The combination of knowledge combined into one source from the leading global standards. We also provide practical skills regarding implementing cloud security, auditing and compliance. This is all managed by a unique delivery of cloud security along with the hands-on labs needed to truly understand what is happening to your data at all the layers of the cloud stack. This is a relevant course which introduces many technologies used in the cloud from implementing a private cloud architecture to using a new key management solution from various vendors.

This e-learning is in English.


  • To fully understand Cloud Security from a real-world view point
  • To receive the hands-on experience needed to implement Cloud Security with practical implementations
  • To comprehend the industry security standards for both exam knowledge and implementation
  • To have a general working knowledge on what to audit in a cloud architecture.
  • To know hands-on methods of auditing a cloud environment from best practices view point.
  • To understand how compliance is viewed and dealt with in the cloud.
  • To gain the knowledge needed to pass the exam


Virtualization Administrators, Cloud Administrators, CIO, Virtualization and Cloud Auditors, Virtualization and Cloud Compliance Officers, anyone that needs a general understanding of security in the Cloud, those seeking the CCSP Certification.


Recommended minimum one-year experience with virtualization technology or equivalent knowledge. General understanding of cloud architectures. Minimum one-year experience with general security.


  • Module 1 – Introduction to Cloud Computing and Architecture
  • Module 2 – Cloud Risks
  • Module 3 – ERM and Governance
  • Module 4 – Legal Issues
  • Module 5 – Virtualization
  • Module 6 – Data Security
  • Module 7 – Data Center Operations
  • Module 8 – Interoperability and Portability
  • Module 9 – Traditional Security
  • Module 10 – BCM and DR
  • Module 11 – Incident Response
  • Module 12 – Application Security
  • Module 13 – Encryption and Key Management
  • Module 14 – Identity, Entitlement and Access Management
  • Module 15 – Auditing and Compliance

Planning & Prijs


ervaringen verzameld via Logo Springtest

Lucienne Groenendaal

Secretarieel medewerkster

"Training was prima, goede tips gekregen met af en toe een grap en grol. Locatie was prima, goed verzogd vwb koffie/thee, fruit en koekje. Mensen ook zeer vriendelijk. Lunch was perfect en zeer uitgebreid."


Ariana Scheepers

"De cursus was goed, en de verzorging ook!Ik heb er veel van opgestoken! De lokatie in Nieuwegein is goed te bereiken met het openbaar vervoer, dus dat is prettig. Tot een volgenden keer."


Eric Pos

Procesbeheerder bij Gemeente Amersfoort

"Ik vond de training erg leerzaam. De inhoud was van een hoog niveau en de docent was goed thuis in de materie. Ik stel het vooral op prijs dat er diep op de concepten werd ingegaan."

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Cursus: Certified Cloud Security Officer (CCSO) - e-learning



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    Cursus: Certified Cloud Security Officer (CCSO) - e-learning

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      Certified Cloud Security Officer (CCSO) - e-learning

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