Design Patterns in Java Design Patterns zijn standaard oplossingen voor algemene design problemen in object-georienteerde applicaties. Als je als ontwikkelaar tegen een bepaald ontwerp probleem aanloopt, is de kans groot dat...meer 3 dagen 2175,- Meer info
The C++ Programming Language (English) The C++ programming language is based on the C language, with the main difference being that C++ supports object-oriented programming. The object-oriented way of working offers advantages in software ...meer 4 dagen 3185,- klassikaal Meer info
Advanced C++ (English) The focus of this course is on the extensibility of the C++ library. Directions are provided to enable the C++ programmer to write safer and more efficient programs. After the course, the student will...meer 4 dagen 3845,- klassikaal Meer info
What’s new in C++11 and C++14 In twee dagen worden de belangrijkste wijzigingen en toevoegingen behandeld. Een belangrijk deel hiervan zit in de taal zelf, waardoor het mogelijk wordt om interessante bibliotheken toe te voegen, zo...meer 2 dagen 1535,- Meer info
What’s new in C++20 (English) This two-day course covers the new updates in C++. Every three years a new standard for C++ is released, sometimes they include minor updates and sometimes major ones. The release of the C++20 ...meer 2 dagen 1535,- Meer info
What’s new in C++17 This course focusses completely on C++17. Although some parts of the presentations will include examples from earlier standards, they are assumed to be known by the audience and are only included to s...meer 1 dag 850,- Meer info